We have developed a battery of online courses for you and for your staff to give you a basic understanding of the FOG and Odor Control industry and of the products and equipment you’ll use in the EnviroLogik business.

You and any management staff you have hired will attend EnviroLogik University (ELU) for a week in sunny Bradenton Florida, learning everything you need to know to start, build and operate your successful business. We will introduce our marketing programs and resources, and you will start your digital marketing right away. Our trainers will teach you our sales prospecting and presentation programs and give you the chance to practice using them.

You will see our lab and learn all about the live vegetative bacteria we use so you can confidently inform your prospects and customers why the EnviroLogik FOG Control program is the best in the industry! You will see all of the equipment and the products your business will provide and get real-world experience in their use.

There is no cost for ELU, but you are responsible for paying all travel and lodging expenses for yourself and any other attendees you bring. When you complete ELU you will be well on your way to becoming an expert in the FOG Control industry, which very few people can say!dapibus leo.

Your Franchise Performance coach will spend a week with you in your market, training your staff, prospecting and networking with you, completing sales calls and initial service calls. This hands-on experience might be the most valuable training we provide!their use.

Your coach will help you decide if additional training is critical or beneficial for you and how you can best get that training. In some cases, this may be speaking with or visiting one of our more experienced franchisees.their use.

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